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Claire Higgins
9 min read
The Movement Practice Log (August 2022)
The grief continues but I'm able to hold space for it as my passion for movement returns. There is an excitement returning about all the...

Claire Higgins
6 min read
The Movement Practice Log (January 2022)
How do you find your way through various practices over time? Which practices fade away, and which ones remain? Of those that remain,...

Claire Higgins
9 min read
Practice as an Identity Marker & Personal Construct
Lately, the broader concept of practice has been on my mind. My qualitative research study on what motivates people to practice a form of...

Claire Higgins
13 min read
Bracketing My Motivation to Practice Over Time
In qualitative research, bracketing is a process where the researcher pauses periodically to reflect on their study with an open mind. It...
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