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Claire Higgins
7 min read
Reflections on Research & Positive Psychology
Almost four months have passed since I last sit down to blog about my qualitative research project on the motivation to practice a form...

Claire Higgins
9 min read
Practice as an Identity Marker & Personal Construct
Lately, the broader concept of practice has been on my mind. My qualitative research study on what motivates people to practice a form of...

Claire Higgins
12 min read
Practice Through a Movement Psychology Lens
I'm half-way through a 9-month qualitative research study on what motivates people to practice a form of movement, exercise, or sport,...

Claire Higgins
13 min read
Bracketing My Motivation to Practice Over Time
In qualitative research, bracketing is a process where the researcher pauses periodically to reflect on their study with an open mind. It...

Claire Higgins
13 min read
Exploring my Own Motivation to Practice
Recently, I've been getting stuck into a new research project on the motivation to practice over time a form of movement, exercise, or...

Claire Higgins
9 min read
What Motivates People to Practice Over Time?
Over the past few months, I've been preparing for a research study on fear, action, and movement. Due to Covid-19 social distancing...
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